71.   Today, coconut palms are found throughout the tropics.

72.   Traces of the icon can still be found throughout the city, from the R.L. Paschal High School Panthers to the panther emblem on police department badges.

73.   Very possibly, the Royal Ballet will become a company like American Ballet Theater, recruiting the best dancers it can find throughout the world.

74.   Varieties of the plant are found throughout the world, and the Chinese have cooked the leaves for centuries.

75.   Unlike disease-causing viruses or bacteria, prions are normal proteins found throughout the body tissues of humans and other animals.

76.   What we found throughout the Army is the numbers are very, very small, and they are not significant.

77.   While many broad political patterns found throughout New York City this year were evident in Whitestone, the sometimes surprising diversity of New Yorkers was also displayed.

78.   Acid rain has been found throughout southern China and has been devastating forests in Sichuan and Qinghai provinces and eastern Tibet.

79.   Anthrax has been found throughout the headquarters of a tabloid publisher, leading health officials to suspect it received more than one tainted letter.

80.   Fake and substandard traditional herbal and modern chemical medicines have been found throughout the country, the China Daily reported.

v. + throughout >>共 1244
spread 5.97%
continue 4.69%
scattered 4.32%
hear 2.27%
feel 1.70%
hold 1.65%
lead 1.51%
use 1.40%
find 1.23%
know 1.19%
find + p. >>共 136
with 15.60%
near 8.59%
under 4.88%
inside 4.85%
among 4.40%
in 3.51%
during 3.37%
outside 3.14%
after 3.11%
as 2.58%
throughout 1.43%
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