71.   Hanrahan compares himself to a film director in his approach.

72.   He began in documentaries, but his affinity for images is such that you might guess he was a silent film director in another lifetime.

73.   He courted and wed Katherine, the adopted daughter of Cecil B. DeMille, probably the most powerful film director of his era.

74.   He looks like Matthew Delacorta, a famous film director she met once at a party.

75.   He had a multifaceted career as a stage and movie actor, screenwriter, and film director.

76.   He has been compared with adventurous film directors such as Robert Altman and Federico Fellini.

77.   He perhaps could have been a matinee idol or at least a movie actor, and he regretted not having a career as a film director.

78.   He knocked on the door of Gordon Parks, the great photographer and film director.

79.   He wants to be a film director.

80.   He writes action scenes with a clarity and sense of drama that great film directors would envy.

n. + director >>共 743
deputy 9.94%
music 4.65%
film 3.80%
communication 2.60%
finance 2.35%
personnel 2.16%
company 2.08%
research 2.05%
museum 1.90%
tournament 1.86%
film + n. >>共 910
industry 5.61%
festival 5.53%
maker 5.37%
director 4.63%
company 3.14%
crew 3.00%
studio 2.69%
clip 2.51%
critic 2.49%
producer 2.38%
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