71.   I turned to the film crew, but they had alertly moved very far away.

72.   I watch instead a Vietnamese film crew shooting a scene on the palace grounds.

73.   In addition, off-duty police offices are assigned to film crews to assist.

74.   In one incident in which crows gathered food for future use, a film crew trying to attract hawks released a horde of laboratory mice.

75.   In its fury, it uproots the tree, sending it smashing onto a rickety riverboat carrying a documentary film crew.

76.   Instead, the theme was international friendship, and the Bush campaign sent along a film crew to capture the governor and Zedillo standing side-by-side.

77.   It is so appreciated that it can change the morale of a film crew instantly, said Waters, who answers to the nickname Muddy.

78.   It sent film crews to the Weddell Sea and obtained the still and motion pictures Frank Hurley shot of his Endurance crew mates.

79.   Keeping it real, Lee, who hails from Taiwan, harvested veteran Hong Kong film crews for his production.

80.   Last week, a film crew was wandering the Great Hall of the Library of Congress.

n. + crew >>共 457
television 11.89%
camera 7.86%
flight 6.52%
rescue 5.04%
construction 3.88%
fire 3.80%
film 3.78%
shuttle 3.51%
work 2.81%
news 2.69%
film + n. >>共 910
industry 5.61%
festival 5.53%
maker 5.37%
director 4.63%
company 3.14%
crew 3.00%
studio 2.69%
clip 2.51%
critic 2.49%
producer 2.38%
每页显示:    共 204