71.   Fighting fires, they turned into something else.

72.   Fire departments will send drones into dangerous buildings to fight fires.

73.   For most of the following century, government policy was to fight every fire.

74.   For Rand, fighting fires was a calling.

75.   Forest Service guidelines place a priority on fighting fires where lives are at risk, followed by property, and then natural resources.

76.   From then on, every fire would be fought, quickly.

77.   Generally, such planes are used only to fight fires in the West.

78.   Fukushima joined neighbors in fighting fires started that night by the American bombers.

79.   Green himself had his first shower in several days on Wednesday, all the while worrying that the water pressure was too low to fight fires.

80.   Gov. Jane Hull signed an emergency declaration Wednesday for Yavapai County, freeing up state funding to fight the fire.

v. + fire >>共 289
open 35.35%
set 9.68%
return 8.34%
start 4.08%
exchange 3.36%
draw 3.19%
cause 2.43%
fight 2.22%
extinguish 2.09%
light 1.93%
fight + n. >>共 724
war 6.88%
terrorism 5.83%
crime 3.11%
battle 3.02%
fire 2.77%
way 2.76%
extradition 2.16%
rebel 2.10%
corruption 2.09%
force 2.04%
每页显示:    共 352