71.   The other reason I distrust the steady-growth thesis is that the market feels to me as if it is at some sort of turning point.

72.   The political tremors emanating from California Thursday failed to register on the Richter scale, but they were felt all the way to Washington.

73.   The sleek silver iPAQ, which is back-ordered in many stores, has rounded edges and a firm feel to its metallic case.

74.   The rack-and-pinion steering is manual on most Rios and does an adequate job of relaying road feel to the driver.

75.   The throttle problem in the Leganza could also be felt to a lesser extent in the Nubira.

76.   The theme that unites them is how connected the subjects all feel to the American Dream as a fundamental idea and ideal.

77.   The theater has a real community feel to it.

78.   The town still has a gold rush feel to it.

79.   There is no diminution in technique or tone, but one wonders how much of a connection she feels to this music.

80.   The whole movie had a real documentary feel to it.

v. + to >>共 917
flee 2.74%
close 2.65%
use 2.52%
tie 2.44%
spread 2.13%
continue 1.83%
expect 1.48%
open 1.40%
get_back 1.35%
know 1.32%
feel 0.10%
feel + p. >>共 91
like 49.04%
about 13.69%
at 5.04%
by 4.24%
in 3.99%
as 2.44%
with 1.72%
throughout 1.64%
to 1.52%
from 1.36%
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