71.   Large stretches of farm land were devastated, aggravating its already chronic food shortages.

72.   Leftist radicals in the past have fired mortar-like projectiles toward the airport to protest expansion, including appropriation of local farm land by the government.

73.   Leftist radicals in the past have used mortar-like projectiles to protest expansion of the airport, including appropriation of farm land by the government.

74.   Like other villagers, Mohammed believed that only Hezbollah can reunite Chebaa with the farm land on the other side of the fence.

75.   Many roads were washed away and huge areas of farm land were flooded.

76.   Much of the clergy sides openly with the Landless Rural Workers Movement, which encourages the invasion of idle farm land to pressure the government to accelerate agrarian reform.

77.   North Korea suffered disastrous floods last year that destroyed vast stretches of farm land and forced the isolationist state to seek international aid.

78.   North Korea has suffered severe floods for the past two summers that devastated much of its farm land.

79.   Palestinian police said that Israeli troops also entered Palestinian territory east of Gaza City, and razed Palestinian farm land.

80.   Russians may own small plots of land in cities and suburbs, but the vast majority of farm land remains in government hands.

n. + land >>共 441
farm 8.94%
forest 5.88%
government 4.35%
plane 3.28%
trust 2.75%
desert 2.44%
crop 2.06%
ranch 2.06%
park 1.99%
reservation 1.83%
farm + n. >>共 589
worker 6.86%
bill 5.01%
animal 4.86%
system 4.58%
subsidy 3.91%
product 3.14%
program 2.54%
field 2.15%
minister 2.09%
land 2.01%
每页显示:    共 116