71.   Regulators would also cap fare increases at the inflation rate for four years and take other steps to protect passengers, he said.

72.   Rosenbluth International, the travel management giant in Philadelphia, says that air fare increases could vary considerably around the country.

73.   Several subway riders also said today that much could depend on how well the MTA sold the fare increase to its customers.

74.   Several airlines, including United Airlines, first raised fares to counter the tax, then rescinded the fare increase.

75.   Share prices of airline companies jumped on Monday after news of fare increases, then gyrated amid reports that some airlines had backed off.

76.   So do small fare increases make much difference?

77.   Some of the variables in measuring the impact of the fare increase will be also be geographic.

78.   Still, he cautioned, he was not promoting fare increases for commuters, only more generous subsidies for subway riders.

79.   That has meant fare increases.

80.   The agency had considered cutting back on bus service instead of a fare increase.

n. + increase >>共 778
price 16.58%
tax 14.67%
rate 14.20%
wage 6.76%
pay 3.98%
salary 2.58%
fare 1.69%
capital 1.60%
cost 1.30%
production 1.27%
fare + n. >>共 129
increase 24.18%
sale 9.48%
war 7.84%
hike 6.05%
structure 5.88%
cut 3.27%
card 2.45%
discount 2.29%
box 1.80%
reduction 1.63%
每页显示:    共 147