71.   It seemed as if every other fan wore a black or white Lemieux jersey or was clutching a hand-held sign extolling his virtues.

72.   Local school officials called in Mississippi Attorney General Michael Moore, who promptly set up meetings with Justice officials extolling the virtues of the current site.

73.   Nearby, a salesman extolled the virtues of a self-defrosting refrigerator.

74.   On stages scattered along the Mall, speakers extolled the virtues of the family life.

75.   Redwine, who digs in a secret location near Slaughterville, has his own way of extolling the virtues of rose rocks.

76.   The lyrics, sung to a slow, driving tune, extoll the virtues of group effort.

77.   The political divide between the two Koreas intruded on some reunions, with several North Koreans extolling the virtues of their totalitarian ruler, Kim Jong Il.

78.   This week, instead, they talked about national politics and listened to Laura Bush and Gen. Colin Powell extoll the virtues of education and diversity.

79.   United States President George Bush loses no opportunity to extoll the virtues of the free market.

80.   Usually the most talkative and upbeat Steelers player, he barely spoke Sunday even when his teammates were extolling the virtues of the narrow loss.

v. + virtue >>共 148
extoll 14.61%
have 11.48%
make 9.74%
extol 7.65%
preach 5.04%
see 3.83%
tout 2.78%
learn 2.09%
promote 2.09%
praise 1.74%
extoll + n. >>共 75
virtue 45.65%
benefit 5.98%
value 2.72%
exploit 1.63%
record 1.63%
wonder 1.63%
importance 1.09%
glory 1.09%
joy 1.09%
history 1.09%
每页显示:    共 84