71.   It was the latest twist in a row that began when Belarus expelled a US diplomat Monday.

72.   After the espionage row erupted in May, Britain and Russia each expelled four diplomats, in a Cold War-style tit-for-tat exchange.

73.   An Estonian diplomat is being expelled from Russia for alleged spying, the Russian foreign ministry announced here Wednesday.

74.   Each country then recalled their ambassadors and expelled four diplomats.

75.   The same day the Russian foreign ministry announced that an Estonian diplomat was being expelled from Moscow for the same reason.

76.   The spokesman confirmed that the diplomat had been expelled.

77.   The spy scandal, which broke in May, led to a crisis in relations between London and Moscow, as each capital expelled four diplomats.

78.   Last year the two governments expelled several diplomats in tit-for-tat charges of espionage.

79.   London reacted angrily saying Moscow had not produced any evidence against the accused, and threatened reprisals if British diplomats were expelled.

80.   Official newspapers have in the past accused Iran of fomenting the unrest and an Iranian diplomat was expelled earlier this year.

v. + diplomat >>共 260
say 21.47%
expel 5.75%
include 4.09%
quote 3.12%
kill 2.91%
send 2.15%
identify 2.08%
recall 1.94%
name 1.87%
shoot 1.66%
expel + n. >>共 305
member 8.78%
diplomat 6.39%
student 4.55%
refugee 2.62%
thousand 2.39%
foreigner 2.31%
worker 2.00%
people 1.93%
immigrant 1.85%
journalist 1.85%
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