71.   Boutros-Ghali has recommended the United Nations establish a standby force to intervene quickly in case of a major upsurge in ethnic violence.

72.   But a leading ethnic Albanian politician warned Sunday that more ethnic violence is inevitable unless Macedonia changes its constitution to allow more rights for minority Albanians.

73.   But ethnic violence, which evolved out of a ruling party political rally in the central town of Daloa, left at least four people dead on Tuesday.

74.   But later as more details became available police said they also appeared to be victims of ethnic violence.

75.   But its reputation for corruption and bitter ethnic violence, particularly in the southern port city of Karachi, has stunted investment in recent years.

76.   But just where political violence ends and ethnic violence begins is not completely clear.

77.   But Spain has refused to grant them asylum, and the Africans have refused to return to their native countries saying they fled ethnic violence in their own countries.

78.   But the deaths also threaten to unleash a new wave of ethnic violence and jeopardize an already shaky transition to civilian rule.

79.   But recent ethnic violence as refugees try to return home to areas controlled by their enemies forced it to intervene.

80.   But the alliance does not want to send in an allied force only to have it caught in the middle of an eruption of ethnic violence.

a. + violence >>共 528
domestic 11.88%
political 6.86%
ethnic 2.83%
sectarian 2.65%
recent 2.51%
escalating 2.36%
latest 2.35%
further 2.14%
new 2.06%
renewed 1.89%
ethnic + n. >>共 534
group 16.58%
minority 6.93%
rebel 5.97%
leader 3.69%
tension 2.55%
conflict 2.33%
violence 2.30%
refugee 1.78%
community 1.65%
line 1.65%
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