71.   Repayment of the loans by Mexico will be guaranteed with an escrow account held by the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.

72.   SBC Communications is paying into an escrow account in California while the question remains unsettled.

73.   Slugs help limit how much municipalities earn on excess bond proceeds held in escrow accounts, primarily in advanced refundings.

74.   Sources said Robbins had set up his escrow account in November in the name of ECDEV.

75.   That money would still be deposited into a U.N.-supervised escrow account, to be drawn on for imports.

76.   That money would go into an escrow account.

77.   The alleged profits are currently in an escrow account controlled by Lehman.

78.   The Celtics would have eliminated much of their free agent escrow account had they done the deal, so perhaps both sides will see what happens in July.

79.   The contracts help municipalities ensure that money held in escrow accounts to pay off old bonds will match the amount needed when those bonds are retired.

80.   The Dole campaign placed the donations in an escrow account when it learned they were suspect and asked the FEC to investigate, he said.

n. + account >>共 622
retirement 13.40%
news 7.26%
escrow 5.63%
investment 5.12%
e-mail 4.34%
witness 4.15%
eyewitness 3.86%
newspaper 3.14%
brokerage 2.52%
press 1.85%
escrow + n. >>共 44
account 65.02%
service 6.50%
system 3.10%
fund 2.79%
arrangement 1.86%
plan 1.86%
agreement 1.55%
company 1.55%
money 1.24%
agent 0.93%
每页显示:    共 209