71.   Several lawsuits have recently been filed in California over the issue, and two other states have taken legal steps to assure women equal access to courses.

72.   Schonfeld complained to Dole that the Justice Department under the Clinton administration has eroded ADA enforcement that assures equal physical access to buildings.

73.   Severy called for the commission to take additional steps to open up competition, including allowing equal access to major phone arteries for all carriers.

74.   Southern Baptists supported the Istook amendment after persuading the sponsor to amend it until they were satisfied it ensured equal access to all religions.

75.   Some of the topics, such as equal access to transmission grids and interconnection of power networks, are largely technical in nature.

76.   South Korea agreed to liberalize standards and certification practices, reduce taxes on imported vehicles and permit foreign advertisers equal access to television time.

77.   Some golf officials agreed that the decision would affect country clubs as they consider questions of equal access.

78.   The answer is not less technology, but equal access to its benefits.

79.   The candidates have equal access to buy time for commercials in the media.

80.   The discrepancy is not, as might be guessed, because black infants do not have equal access to the technology.

a. + access >>共 752
easy 6.69%
high-speed 6.11%
free 5.86%
greater 4.58%
full 3.36%
better 3.04%
equal 3.03%
direct 2.85%
easier 2.21%
limited 1.85%
equal + n. >>共 680
right 7.78%
number 6.65%
part 5.19%
amount 4.72%
access 4.34%
footing 4.02%
treatment 3.84%
protection 2.89%
partner 2.77%
pay 2.35%
每页显示:    共 217