71.   Israeli planes, helicopter gunships and a gunboat joined the battle as it became clear their commandos were encountering heavy opposition.

72.   Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., put off consideration of his permanent Internet tax ban bill after it encountered stiff opposition last month.

73.   That is a particularly sensitive issue in the West, where government efforts to restore bear, wolf and coyote populations have encountered stiff opposition.

74.   That plan is encountering opposition from the European allies.

75.   The French government has also encountered opposition at home.

76.   The parts are believed to have been left behind by the commandos, who retreated prematurely after encountering stronger opposition than expected.

77.   The treaty has encountered vigorous opposition from Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jesse Helms, R-N.C.

78.   The United States encountered opposition to sanctions against Iran and other countries.

79.   The United States encountered opposition over its efforts to impose sanctions against Iran and other countries.

80.   Turkey is also struggling to join the European customs union, but encounters opposition from European Union member Greece, which has close ties with Bulgaria.

v. + opposition >>共 741
face 13.00%
express 5.36%
voice 3.95%
drop 2.97%
lead 2.89%
draw 2.50%
reiterate 2.15%
meet 2.14%
accuse 1.84%
encounter 1.59%
encounter + n. >>共 748
problem 12.99%
resistance 8.98%
difficulty 5.71%
opposition 4.38%
trouble 2.40%
obstacle 1.38%
people 1.06%
turbulence 1.01%
man 0.92%
criticism 0.83%
每页显示:    共 94