71.   A viral disease, AIDS is spread through human fluids, blood and contaminated blood products and syringes shared by drug abusers.

72.   AIDS, which has no known cure, is spread through human fluids, contaminated blood used in transfusion, infected blood products and syringes used by drugs abusers.

73.   AIDS also is spread by sexual contact, infected blood and sharing contaminated needles or syringes among drug abusers.

74.   AIDS, which wrecks the immune system, also is spread by sexual contact, infected blood and sharing contaminated needles or syringes among drug abusers.

75.   Although Singapore is a city-state generally considered free of many of the social problems plaguing the West, the government is preparing a crackdown on drug abusers.

76.   Angel later told reporters that he was drug abuser and said he was ready to suffer for what he had done.

77.   Despite repeated arrests, activists hand out information, condoms and bleach to sterilize intravenous needles for drug abusers who shoot up nearby.

78.   Earlier in the day, the Russian lawyers, known as advokati in their country, listened to the case of an American drug abuser accused of theft.

79.   Earlier in the day, the Russians listened to the case of an American drug abuser accused of theft.

80.   Drug abusers sharing needles have been among the hardest hit, but the virus has also spread through blood banks and sex and from mothers to their unborn children.

n. + abuser >>共 35
drug 45.45%
child 28.06%
sex 5.53%
alcohol 2.77%
wife 1.98%
right 1.58%
spouse 1.58%
cocaine 0.79%
human-rights 0.79%
neophyte 0.79%
drug + n. >>共 541
company 5.40%
use 5.37%
trafficker 5.22%
dealer 4.60%
test 3.79%
trade 2.64%
charge 2.46%
abuse 2.39%
addict 2.07%
user 1.82%
abuser 0.38%
每页显示:    共 114