71.   Tattersall said police aboard boats would be prepared to use firearms if a shark attacked and divers would be prepared to rescue anyone left injured.

72.   The Chinese divers are still unbeaten at these Olympics.

73.   The contracts are with the Norwegian company Stolt Offshore, whose divers were able to open the hatch of sunken submarine Kursk after Russian efforts failed for days.

74.   The divers were apparently among a group of Greenpeace members who set out in rubber rafts before dawn Friday.

75.   The divers are to cut off the first compartment and leave it on the sea floor, then lift the rest of the vessel to the surface.

76.   The divers are to gather evidence to help authorities decide the feasibility of retreiving the bodies or taking some other action to preserve them.

77.   The divers were able to penetrate only one yard into the fourth compartment, and visibility was poor.

78.   The divers were able to penetrate only one yard into the fourth compartment, and visibility was poor, navy spokesman Capt. Vladimir Navrotsky said.

79.   The divers were to gather evidence to help authorities decide the feasibility of retrieving the bodies or taking some other action to preserve them.

80.   The U.S. divers were equipped with special deep-water head gear and a decompression unit.

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diver + v. >>共 270
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