71.   Heiler disputes the notion that a primary fight would hurt Republicans in November.

72.   His relationship with the players is more strained than it has ever been, but he disputes the notion he is attempting to break their union.

73.   However, that notion was disputed by the attorney general herself.

74.   House Ways and Means Chairman Bill Archer, Republican of Texas, disputed the notion that the tax cuts go only to the rich.

75.   However, growers dispute the notion that consumers would benefit from eliminating the programs.

76.   In an Austin interview, Saitas disputed the notion that the Bush administration has influenced his agency to go easy on industry.

77.   In a telephone interview, Anderson, an appointee of President Jimmy Carter, disputed any notion that the symposium is geared to expedite death cases.

78.   In fact, some scientists dispute the notion that CFCs contribute to ozone depletion, but Siedel said there is plenty of research to prove otherwise.

79.   In court filings, the Justice Department vigorously disputes that notion.

80.   Keith Leggett, economist for the American Bankers Association in Washington, disputes the notion of a credit crunch, saying banks are not specifically targeting small businesses.

v. + notion >>共 426
reject 13.04%
dismiss 11.78%
dispute 6.23%
dispel 4.30%
support 3.68%
have 3.64%
challenge 3.05%
reinforce 2.13%
accept 2.05%
embrace 1.30%
dispute + n. >>共 354
claim 10.65%
notion 6.12%
report 4.52%
assertion 3.78%
contention 3.66%
finding 3.33%
figure 3.29%
account 3.21%
charge 3.00%
suggestion 2.84%
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