71.   Presumably a few will sally forth to dispute her claims with good results.

72.   Prosecutors in Arizona, where the damning FBI affidavit originated, are not disputing that claim.

73.   Roberts disputes the claim, leading Gere to investigate on her home turf, just as she heads toward another wedding date.

74.   She disputed claims that U.S. strikes hit a hospital in Herat on Sunday.

75.   Simon Bilous of the North Somerset Teen-age Pregnancy Clinic, which is coordinating the program, disputed the claim.

76.   Several nutrition and sports organizations dispute these claims.

77.   Singer disputes the claims.

78.   Some have even been moved to pursue their own research on the exhibits, disputing some claims and confirming others.

79.   Stanton has sought to prove that the defendants had access to or familiarity with information that disputed their claims.

80.   Some historians and the Turkish government have disputed claims of an organized genocide and the numbers of Armenians killed.

v. + claim >>共 374
deny 10.94%
make 7.99%
reject 5.19%
file 4.12%
dismiss 3.89%
support 3.63%
stake 3.05%
investigate 2.88%
dispute 2.50%
have 2.49%
dispute + n. >>共 354
claim 10.65%
notion 6.12%
report 4.52%
assertion 3.78%
contention 3.66%
finding 3.33%
figure 3.29%
account 3.21%
charge 3.00%
suggestion 2.84%
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