71.   Police dispersed the protesters before the blockade could create a significant holdup in the shipment of goods.

72.   Police fired bullets and tear gas to disperse the protesters who exploded crude bombs, witnesses said.

73.   Police fired shots into the air Monday to disperse anti-Indonesian protesters who broke into the University of East Timor.

74.   Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters.

75.   Police fired tear gas shells to disperse the protesters, who threw stones and attacked a policeman, officials said.

76.   Police fired tear gas to disperse the protesters, but some angry farmers resisted, throwing rocks.

77.   Police fired tear gas to disperse the protesters, who shouted anti-government slogans and smashed and burned a government car.

78.   Police fired tear gas to disperse the protesters, who smashed and burned a government car, a witness said.

79.   Police answered with tear gas, eventually dispersing the protesters.

80.   Police did not try to disperse the protesters.

v. + protester >>共 413
arrest 7.95%
disperse 6.18%
beat 3.93%
injure 3.86%
kill 3.86%
detain 3.15%
keep 2.91%
prevent 2.24%
shoot 2.20%
remove 2.20%
disperse + n. >>共 260
crowd 28.22%
protester 8.57%
demonstrator 6.99%
hundred 4.31%
mob 3.33%
group 3.11%
demonstration 2.73%
rioter 2.29%
student 2.07%
protestor 1.64%
每页显示:    共 156