71.   Microsoft will provide Egyptian government departments with computer programs at discounted rates and help develop the information technology industry in Egypt.

72.   There will be a booth selling cassettes and compact discs produced by the company at a discounted rate.

73.   To sweeten the pot, FBDC will be offering brokerage houses offices at discounted rates.

74.   Under the agreement, Fox will eventually be characterized as a full-fledged network and pay full fees to writers, rather than a discounted rate reserved for new companies.

75.   Under the new agreement, Fox will eventually be characterized as a full-fledged network and pay full fees to writers, not a discounted rate paid by new companies.

76.   While we cannot totally stop the not welcomed buyers, we could ensure that the preferred party can, for example, receive a discounted rate.

77.   The Cooks was to make money on a commission through selling the letters at a discounted rate.

a. + rate >>共 628
higher 15.00%
lower 9.63%
high 4.45%
low 3.67%
jobless 2.06%
german 2.03%
short-term 1.90%
rising 1.81%
highest 1.64%
fixed 1.40%
discounted 0.41%
discounted + n. >>共 162
price 21.29%
rate 13.12%
fare 5.79%
ticket 4.77%
drug 2.73%
loan 1.87%
goods 1.53%
merchandise 1.53%
share 1.36%
room 1.19%
每页显示:    共 77