71.   Emphasis also will be put on helping rural communities develop programs for attracting retirees, many of whom already are showing a preference for such areas.

72.   Engineers looking to help you -- and make a buck -- have developed programs to clean up your hard drive.

73.   Even so, he said Texas officials are looking to use parts from it and successful anti-gang programs in other states to develop new programs for Texas prisons.

74.   Feeding the sentiment for change is the feeling that states, not Congress, have been developing innovative programs for years.

75.   For a moment on Saturday afternoon, USC departed from its smartly publicized movement to develop a program that will challenge the best football teams in the nation.

76.   For example, Bezuidenhout said, when a provincial government was letting a contract for its banking it favored companies that had developed affirmative action programs.

77.   For example, she developed a program to work with Canada on joint investigations.

78.   For one thing, Morgan says, they have developed a program called Suitable Solutions, which may make the swimsuit buying process a bit easier.

79.   For example, Buntrock said the agency hopes to develop computer programs that would enable it to compare planting and pricing records to identify trends in abuse.

80.   Frank helped Resource NE develop anticorruption programs that allowed it to be acquired earlier this month by a subsidiary of WMX Technologies, the industry giant.

v. + program >>共 784
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use 2.30%
develop 2.22%
expand 2.09%
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support 1.53%
fund 1.34%
develop + n. >>共 1095
technology 2.67%
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product 2.16%
system 2.13%
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