71.   Roland Huguenin, ICRC director in Cairo, said the mines have not claimed many lives because they are mostly in uninhabited desert regions.

72.   Saudi national guard units, meanwhile, have been conducting major troop exercises, the largest conducted by the national guard, in a desert region outside Riyadh province.

73.   Several policemen and Islamic militants were injured Friday during a massive security operation to track down armed fundamentalists in desert regions of southern Egypt, the interior ministry said.

74.   Shells and rockets exploded every five seconds as the desert region around Dofas became shrouded in clouds of sand and black smoke.

75.   Sudan accused the Egyptian army of killing two Sudanese policemen and wounding seven others in an attack on three villages in the desert region of Halaib.

76.   The disputed Halaib triangle on the Red Sea is a desert region inhabited by people of Sudanese origin who are under Egyptian military and administrative control.

77.   The clash broke out after Sudanese soldiers opened fire at an Egyptian patrol in the desert region, an official said, asking not to be named.

78.   The exercises, the largest conducted by the national guard, are taking place in a desert region outside Riyadh province, the Saudi news agency said.

79.   The Halaib triangle on the Red Sea is a desert region, inhabited by people of Sudanese origin, under Egyptian military and administrative control.

80.   The peace treaty will be signed Wednesday in the Araba desert region along the Israeli-Jordanian border.

n. + region >>共 488
border 21.61%
mountain 4.34%
desert 3.62%
week 3.00%
afternoon 2.55%
brain 2.51%
jungle 2.46%
year 2.33%
la 1.88%
delta 1.52%
desert + n. >>共 490
region 3.82%
area 3.12%
floor 2.88%
island 2.83%
sand 2.60%
kingdom 2.55%
sun 2.46%
state 2.12%
air 1.94%
town 1.89%
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