71.   For all those signs of influence, however, West took pains to emphasize that Bradley listens, but then decides for himself.

72.   For children, who cannot decide for themselves, parents are given the right to refuse or consent to medical treatment.

73.   Haaretz also reported that a military officer had said a date had already been decided for the Israeli withdrawal.

74.   He met Michelle Kessler, a Blue Springs student for whom Gutierrez decided it was worth sticking around.

75.   He has decided for statehood.

76.   He said he was sure that, sooner or later, he and McCain would meet and would decide for themselves what to discuss.

77.   He wants each club to decide for itself, he says.

78.   He said he wanted clubs to decide for themselves.

79.   He said the county rule violates the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, which allows employees to decide for themselves how their overtime will be compensated.

80.   He would do no more than toss the abortion issue back into the political fray, where states could decide for themselves whether to allow abortions.

v. + for >>共 935
work 5.21%
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treat 1.03%
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decide + p. >>共 66
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