71.   Or is it that Americans are just craning their necks East and taking notice.

72.   Others have leaned on the rail, craning their necks to get a better look at the curve where history took a tragic turn.

73.   Passengers craned their necks to watch the mighty cruise ship lumber away.

74.   Passengers crane their necks as he takes them through the natural wonder, formed by centuries of roiling waters burrowing a tunnel through the rock.

75.   People craned their necks to the right to see the two towers billowing enormous pillars of smoke.

76.   Press photographers, cordoned off a hundred feet away, craned their necks.

77.   She craned her neck around the corner, where Barnes readied for lunch.

78.   She is part of a generation of Haitians verging on retirement who are craning their necks toward the island nation.

79.   She tilts an ear toward the band to hear better, cranes her neck to get a better view.

v. + neck >>共 219
crane 16.27%
break 12.23%
stick_out 5.94%
hurt 2.38%
strain 2.38%
injure 2.14%
twist 1.90%
slash 1.90%
snap 1.54%
grab 1.54%
crane + n. >>共 7
neck 87.26%
head 9.55%
ear 0.64%
look 0.64%
mouth 0.64%
nexks 0.64%
stand 0.64%
每页显示:    共 136