71.   A country like ours, which places high value on the safety and well-being of its citizens, is an especially attractive target.

72.   A civilized country like Australia endorses long vacations to allow people to travel to distant continents.

73.   A country like Israel, which belongs to no regional caucus, never gets an opportunity to vie for a seat.

74.   A fourth commissioner, Diane Legreide, disagreed, saying it was ridiculous to apply New Jersey bribery law to a country like the Transkei.

75.   A host of Norton Reamer wannabes, who in the last year have suddenly been sprouting up all around the country like so many mushrooms on a rainy day.

76.   A lesson in the benefits and hazards off free trade for small countries like Jamaica.

77.   A sharply rising currency is a mixed blessing for countries like Germany and Japan.

78.   A year and a half after the Asian crisis began, countries like Thailand and South Korea are showing signs of bottoming out.

79.   Across the Mediterranean, countries like Algeria, Libya and Egypt are net exporters of oil and gas, producing a lot more oil than they can consume themselves.

80.   Administration is considering sending U.S. troops into Rwanda, rather than just to surrounding countries like Uganda and Zaire.

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