71.   The U.N. Security Council would be required to approve the expanded mandate, however, and no country has expressed enthusiastic support.

72.   The two countries will also express their support for an indefinite extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which comes up for renewal this year, the draft said.

73.   Those two countries have expressed the strongest concerns about Iran nuclear ambitions.

74.   However, several Security Council countries expressed reservations about the idea, participants in the debate said.

75.   Arab countries have expressed their concern about the attacks on Bosnian Moslems in the former Yugoslavia and have vowed to break the UN-imposed arms embargo on Bosnia-Hercegovina.

76.   Arab countries have expressed concern that the victory of Netanyahu, leader of the nationalist Likud party, threatens the Middle East peace process.

77.   At least four countries have expressed reservations over a long-debated proposal to prevent inter-Arab conflicts, an Arab League source said on Sunday.

78.   Besides Egypt and France, Russia, China and several African and Arab countries have expressed support for Boutros-Ghali.

79.   Both countries have expressed concern about the other attacking, but Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy says the tension has eased and has proposed secret contacts with Syria.

80.   Both countries have expressed concern over the project.

n. + express >>共 913
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member 2.12%
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country + v. >>共 779
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