71.   Investigators say the full cleanup at Tri-State could last eight months and cost tens of millions of dollars.

72.   Lawyers within the department have said it would cost tens of millions of dollars to continue the suit.

73.   Separatist wars broke out and cost tens of thousands of lives, while many others died in gang wars and accidents in deteriorating industries.

74.   Separatist wars that broke out after the collapse of Kremlin control cost tens of thousands of lives.

75.   Supporters of the land-based protective shield that will cost tens of billions of dollars if fully deployed are looking for a spectacular success.

76.   The amount of the contract was not made public, but is expected to cost tens of millions of dollars.

77.   The fiasco cost tens of millions of dollars and led to the firing of top Hoover Europe executives.

78.   The international station will cost tens of billions of dollars, of which the United States is contributing the most.

79.   The new defense minister told Congress that delaying peace talks with leftist rebels until a new president is elected next year could cost tens of thousands of lives.

80.   The same therapy would cost tens of thousands of dollars in the United States.

v. + ten >>共 416
spend 4.62%
kill 4.43%
cost 4.38%
send 3.02%
draw 2.69%
lose 2.45%
keep 2.40%
have 2.36%
bar 2.22%
attract 1.89%
cost + n. >>共 402
money 10.63%
million 8.72%
hundred 7.53%
thousand 5.50%
job 4.90%
billion 4.57%
lot 4.42%
ten 3.48%
life 3.29%
company 2.21%
每页显示:    共 92