71.   The flames quickly spread to the factory, exploding a large tank of cooking gas and breaking windows around the block.

72.   The government often allots agencies for cooking gas and gasoline to poor people.

73.   The government often allots franchises for cooking gas and gasoline to poor people.

74.   The increase in fuel prices also means an increase in public transport fares and rates for utility services like water, electricity and cooking gas.

75.   The increases for gasoline and cooking gas remain.

76.   The hostages are surrounded with canisters of cooking gas, which the inmates say they will explode if police invade.

77.   The hostages at Aparecida de Goiana are being held in a cell surrounded by canisters of cooking gas that the inmates say they will explode if police invade.

78.   The hostages were in a cell surrounded by canisters of cooking gas, which the inmates threatened to explode if police invade.

79.   The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating that explosion, believed to have been caused by a leaking cooking gas line.

80.   The prisoners locked their captives in a cell with canisters of cooking gas, which they threatened to explode if police invaded.

a. + gas >>共 855
toxic 3.95%
cooking 3.27%
poisonous 3.15%
russian 2.79%
deadly 1.78%
higher 1.75%
hot 1.75%
new 1.45%
industrial 1.43%
high 1.31%
cooking + n. >>共 409
oil 12.92%
time 7.75%
liquid 4.49%
spray 4.31%
school 4.27%
gas 3.98%
class 3.76%
pot 3.33%
method 3.08%
water 3.00%
每页显示:    共 109