71.   US House incumbents in Rhode Island, Maine, and Vermont are also considered safe.

72.   Until now, however, the Bwindi gorilla reserve had been considered safe.

73.   Under the old rules, only eastern Pacific tuna caught by encircling schools of juvenile fish or by laying nets under piles of floating debris could be considered safe.

74.   Unlike Rogan, most of the other Republican managers have seats that are considered relatively safe.

75.   When people leave, they must go in convoys, for the roads connecting them to other settlements and to Israel are not considered safe.

76.   While some shots are considered safe, particularly if administered after the first trimester, others, like the live vaccine for yellow fever, are not.

77.   A food market at the American community as well as the PX and recreation center there fall into a budget category that is considered safe from cuts.

78.   A sudden warming in temperatures heightened the danger of avalanches, even in areas normally considered safe, said the Federal Snow and Avalanche Research institute.

79.   Airline officials have been working to dispel such concerns, saying wind speeds and visibility levels were well within limits considered safe for flying.

80.   Also automatically turned away are refugees who do not enter from their homelands, but transit through a nation bordering Germany or any country considered safe.

v. + safe >>共 27
keep 21.97%
make 21.67%
consider 19.73%
declare 7.62%
deem 5.83%
call 5.08%
report 3.29%
find 3.14%
prove 1.94%
think 1.94%
consider + a. >>共 1819
unlikely 2.67%
likely 2.56%
crucial 2.26%
important 2.22%
dangerous 2.12%
essential 1.86%
lucky 1.75%
safe 1.62%
serious 1.34%
close 1.21%
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