71.   Now, the incoming Republican congressional leadership is pushing as many as four amendments at once.

72.   On all of them, the GOP congressional leadership has either abjectly surrendered or maintained the political equivalent of strict radio silence.

73.   On taxes, Clinton said that his budget proposals will start pretty much from where he left off last spring in his negotiations with the Republican congressional leadership.

74.   Now, the two longtime allies are jabbing at each other as they fight to retain their positions in the congressional leadership.

75.   One area where the incoming Republican congressional leadership and the Democratic Clinton administration appear to see eye-to-eye is a sweeping reform of public housing.

76.   One senior aide to the Democratic congressional leadership criticized the lobbying effort.

77.   Peres flies to Washington Saturday for meetings with Secretary of State Colin Powell, the Congressional leadership and possibly, he said, President Bush.

78.   President Bush, former President Clinton, the congressional leadership of both parties, major health organizations and the American Medical Association are all for it.

79.   President Reagan sent troops into Grenada and only informed the congressional leadership of his intent hours before the invasion.

80.   Political leaders, including President Bush, the congressional Democratic leadership and, even the Republican leadership have acknowledged the problem needs to be addressed.

a. + leadership >>共 920
republican 8.21%
new 6.46%
palestinian 5.69%
party 5.65%
political 3.95%
democratic 2.88%
congressional 2.28%
strong 2.23%
national 2.00%
military 1.87%
congressional + n. >>共 468
leader 13.70%
approval 5.11%
committee 4.82%
hearing 4.33%
delegation 2.98%
district 2.72%
election 2.27%
candidate 2.22%
aide 2.19%
investigator 2.05%
leadership 1.29%
每页显示:    共 163