71.   Under the Constitution, presidents may bypass the confirmation process by installing nominees when the Senate is in recess.

72.   Under the constitutional provision that allows presidents to bypass the confirmation process when Congress is in recess, Hormel can remain as ambassador until late next year.

73.   What has changed in recent years in the confirmation process is what has changed in Washington in general.

74.   While the confirmation process for white male candidates takes about five months, it took eight months for candidates of color and white women.

75.   While the confirmation process has become tougher, the next president will still be flooded with resumes.

76.   With a cocky smile, he pointed out that Bob Dole, the new Senate majority leader, will control Clinton appointments through the Senate confirmation process.

77.   With the often bitter confirmation process nearing its conclusion, a few senators sought to find a silver lining to the partisan wrangling.

78.   With the Senate scheduled to recess in August, there is little time left for the confirmation process, although it is not expected to be contentious.

79.   Without the hearing, the confirmation process cannot proceed.

80.   Ashcroft became attorney general after surviving a bruising Senate confirmation process in which his positions on civil rights were attacked by Democrats.

n. + process >>共 614
peace 53.12%
selection 3.08%
appeal 2.05%
approval 1.32%
impeachment 1.27%
review 1.20%
election 1.18%
production 1.08%
application 0.94%
budget 0.82%
confirmation 0.56%
confirmation + n. >>共 60
hearing 49.52%
process 14.58%
vote 10.45%
battle 4.54%
number 3.44%
fight 2.75%
debate 1.10%
proceeding 1.10%
ceremony 0.96%
class 0.96%
每页显示:    共 105