71.   Victory speeches can go on and on, but concession speeches are always short.

72.   What they heard instead was the early formulation of a concession speech that Dole would refine bit by bit throughout the day.

73.   Well, Wednesday night, in his concession speech, Gore took a bullet for the country.

74.   When he read that his manager appeared to have made a concession speech, Steinbrenner could not believe his eyes.

75.   Which brings us back to Gore and his concession speech.

76.   While that may sound like a concession speech, the Padres are hardly ready to throw in the towel.

77.   While they did not hold up victory signs or ask for a concession speech, Knick team officials felt vindicated with the settlement, calling it unprecedented.

78.   A concession speech by Mr. Gore should not be ruled out.

79.   A concession speech was scheduled for Wednesday night.

80.   But during his concession speech Wednesday night, Gore said his future remained uncertain.

n. + speech >>共 294
acceptance 17.47%
stump 9.37%
campaign 6.91%
policy 5.13%
victory 5.13%
concession 4.11%
convention 3.22%
hate 2.33%
farewell 1.95%
commencement 1.78%
concession + n. >>共 90
stand 33.09%
speech 18.03%
area 5.02%
agreement 2.97%
contract 2.60%
company 2.04%
holder 2.04%
period 1.86%
sale 1.67%
revenue 1.67%
每页显示:    共 97