71.   A companion bill has been introduced in the Senate and is expected to pass.

72.   A companion bill in the Senate includes flexibility language that the House conservatives like.

73.   Facing a likely setback on that measure, the GOP leadership is proposing a companion bill that provides numerous tax breaks to make health insurance more affordable.

74.   Ironically, a companion bill in the Senate, which Kennedy and Republicans agreed to, includes flexibility language that the House conservatives like.

75.   Legislation to strengthen law enforcement in combatting terrorism advanced in Congress, but a companion bill to enhance airline security seemed stuck.

76.   No votes have been taken on a companion bill in the Senate.

77.   Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., introduced a companion bill in the Senate.

78.   Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., is sponsoring a companion bill in the Senate.

79.   Sensenbrenner and Conyers completed their work at the same time key senators were laboring over a companion bill.

80.   There is no companion bill in the Senate.

n. + bill >>共 483
tax 7.65%
reform 4.43%
appropriation 4.41%
budget 3.85%
welfare 3.47%
crime 3.32%
farm 2.61%
phone 2.32%
trade 1.96%
dollar 1.93%
companion 0.77%
companion + n. >>共 148
bill 19.11%
measure 7.33%
legislation 4.89%
piece 4.89%
volume 4.67%
star 4.44%
book 3.78%
animal 3.33%
study 1.78%
ticket 1.56%
每页显示:    共 85