71.   But Lott has made it clear he has no intention of challenging Helms, as committee chairman, without a countervailing weight of pressure from other Republican senators.

72.   But now, as a committee chairman, such remarks take on added weight.

73.   But Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., the committee chairman, said he thought such limits were impractical.

74.   But Senate ethics committee chairman Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, wants Boxer to behave.

75.   But state GOP chairman Tom Pauken and other Republicans eagerly attacked the speaker and several of his hand-picked committee chairmen.

76.   But the nomination is still expected to die on Capitol Hill because of the implacable opposition of a committee chairman.

77.   But the project never got off the ground, apparently due to reluctance on the part of some committee chairmen to participate.

78.   But the Republican Party in the House decreed that its members could sit no more than six years as committee chairmen.

79.   But with many Republicans rebelling, he dropped most specifics, leaving it to the committee chairmen who write annual spending bills to win support for the specific reductions.

80.   But with those tasks now behind them, committee chairmen might have expected finally to have a chance to spread their wings.

n. + chairman >>共 357
committee 20.48%
deputy 15.39%
board 7.77%
commission 6.45%
campaign 4.47%
company 3.08%
club 2.20%
subcommittee 2.14%
conference 2.14%
finance 1.83%
committee + n. >>共 357
member 30.89%
chairman 15.32%
vote 3.22%
meeting 3.20%
assignment 2.64%
hearing 2.42%
official 2.16%
report 2.16%
spokesman 2.02%
room 1.91%
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