71.   The model based on these two types of coherent structure -- particularly the former -- has been central to our understanding of turbulent boundary layers for two decades.

72.   However, this matter cannot be considered resolved and may well be central to future development of our understanding of wall flows.

73.   The ways in which this transition can occur form a topic central to theoretical ideas about deterministic chaos.

74.   Central to any intelligent activity is the process of decision making, ie selecting an action from a set of possible actions in accordance with given criteria.

75.   In this view, parties are seen as being not quite as central to formulation of public money as both reformers and the politicians themselves believe.

76.   Where an assessment involves interviewing the child about matters which are central to the case the court may stipulate that all interviews be recorded on video tape.

77.   Those elements scoring highly across informants are the elements which are more central to the SF schema in operation.

78.   The third group contains elements that are peripheral to this schema but could be more central to other schemas, such as our current conceptualisation of the solar system.

79.   Rauh finally notes a kind of deixis which is not central to my analysis, but which reflects the problems involved in trying to isolate deictic function.

80.   The belief that the Depression had resulted in a leftward swing in working class opinion was central to Communist strategy.

a. + to >>共 706
open 6.79%
up 5.87%
guilty 4.74%
loyal 4.12%
important 3.80%
prior 2.70%
able 2.07%
next 1.97%
likely 1.65%
difficult 1.33%
central 1.03%
central + p. >>共 13
to 95.02%
in 2.23%
for 0.79%
as 0.39%
than 0.39%
during 0.26%
among 0.13%
at 0.13%
on 0.13%
rather_than 0.13%
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