71.   Representative Michael Castle, an undecided Republican from Delaware, wrote the GOP leadership urging a toughly worded censure resolution.

72.   Republicans mounted a similar argument to explain their opposition to the Democratic censure resolution, a formal rebuke of Clinton that would be less severe than impeachment.

73.   Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah, embraced the censure resolution and sought support for it among other Republicans.

74.   Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., concedes uphill battle to overcome threatened GOP filibuster against censure resolution.

75.   Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., said Tuesday that the chances for passage of a censure resolution would depend on the timing.

76.   Senior White House aides quietly opened discussions with allies on Capitol Hill to seek a censure resolution as an alternative to the Republican intention to open impeachment hearings.

77.   Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Robert Bennett have drafted a strong, constitutionally sound censure resolution that commands broad bipartisan support.

78.   Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said Thursday a censure resolution could be repealed by a future Congress, while the finding-of-fact resolution could not.

79.   Several Republicans declared that the censure resolution spearheaded by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was dead.

80.   Shameless, reckless and indefensible were adjectives used in first reports of a censure resolution early this year.

n. + resolution >>共 176
draft 30.64%
budget 12.70%
conflict 9.85%
censure 6.93%
dispute 4.89%
shareholder 2.58%
impeachment 2.11%
compromise 1.90%
disarmament 1.63%
sanction 1.43%
censure + n. >>共 52
motion 35.37%
resolution 17.35%
vote 11.22%
debate 10.71%
proposal 3.91%
deal 2.72%
option 2.38%
alternative 1.70%
measure 1.19%
plan 1.19%
每页显示:    共 101