71.   The Death System communicates with a Department of Children and Families database used to control payments such as food stamps, cash assistance and Medicaid.

72.   The defense giant, forced to diversify with the end of the Cold War, already is managing cash assistance and food stamps in other states.

73.   The governors, an influential voice on national welfare policy, plan to reaffirm the importance of work as a condition of receiving cash assistance.

74.   The House-passed bill would eliminate almost all cash assistance on the unwarranted assumption that disabled children need only government-provided services, such as prescription drugs.

75.   The House and the Senate bills would undo six decades of social welfare policy by eliminating the federal guarantee of cash assistance for millions of poor children.

76.   The legislation would undo six decades of social policy by ending the federal guarantee of cash assistance to millions of poor children.

77.   The governors would give each state a lump sum of federal money for cash assistance to the poor.

78.   The law tells the administration to tighten eligibility standards for receiving cash assistance under the federal disability program, Supplementary Security Income.

79.   The idea is to require able-bodied recipients to do something useful for taxpayers in return for cash assistance.

80.   The law generally requires welfare recipients to work within two years of getting cash assistance.

n. + assistance >>共 253
government 18.45%
cash 8.01%
development 7.87%
food 6.65%
directory 5.58%
disaster 3.79%
relief 2.15%
job 1.36%
tuition 1.36%
security 1.22%
cash + n. >>共 423
payment 6.12%
market 5.80%
reserve 3.74%
prize 2.90%
assistance 2.78%
crunch 2.60%
benefit 2.43%
infusion 2.33%
shortage 2.13%
bonus 1.88%
每页显示:    共 111