71.   By twisting a dial, they registered their emotional reactions, up or down, to what the candidates were saying as the debate progressed.

72.   Candidates say they are doing nothing illegal.

73.   Candidates often say that is why they must raise and spend vast amounts of money on advertising.

74.   Candidates say they have had doors slammed in their faces or not opened at all while walking precincts.

75.   Congressional candidates say frustration with HMOs still seems to be running high outside Washington.

76.   Despite huge buildups to the first debate and relentless positive spin from their operatives, the candidates said little about their performances Sunday night in Hartford.

77.   During a recent GOP debate, several Republican candidates said gays should be banned from the military and characterized them as immoral.

78.   Each candidate says education is his top priority.

79.   For example, they cheered wildly when presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan said he advocates building a wall between the United States and Mexico to keep out illegal immigrants.

80.   GOP candidates say no.

n. + say >>共 480
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analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
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spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
candidate 0.05%
candidate + v. >>共 605
be 18.03%
have 5.79%
win 3.04%
say 2.36%
run 2.08%
include 2.04%
make 1.42%
take 1.31%
get 1.10%
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