71.   The measures will include joint army and police patrols and the welding shut of trash cans to make it harder for terrorists to hide more devices.

72.   The school, she says, will do everything it can to make sure her kids are safe.

73.   The Texas racetrack did everything they could to make this track as safe as they could, and they did a great job in a short period of time.

74.   There are several cures that can made individually or together.

75.   They will lament the impeachment process as partisan and political, while doing everything they can to make it as rancorous and partisan as possible.

76.   This is not to say that Lehman did not do everything he could to make this day as boring as possible.

77.   Those of us that are in charge of the game have to do the best we can to make the game more exciting and entertaining.

78.   Tufts will host receptions around the country, give tours, and generally do all it can to make itself as attractive as possible.

79.   Until then, the bid cities must do all they can to make political inroads with the Olympic sports communities.

80.   Washington would like to think it could be a contender and, having traded Chris Webber for Richmond, will do all it can to make its argument.

v. + make >>共 1093
use 22.37%
do 5.23%
work 3.50%
be 3.16%
can 1.99%
combine 1.78%
say 1.46%
will 1.11%
check 1.05%
fight 0.86%
can + v. >>共 535
help 9.67%
make 4.88%
keep 4.18%
get 3.75%
prevent 2.96%
avoid 2.35%
become 2.16%
ensure 1.83%
stop 1.74%
protect 1.55%
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