71.   Schools broadcast messages asking parents to pick up their children.

72.   She went to see their new babies and broadcast messages from their families on her weekly program.

73.   Shortly before sundown, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin broadcast a message of peace directed at the families of fallen soldiers.

74.   The Bank of Montserrat set up at the Hill Top Bar and Radio Montserrat broadcast messages saying the bank offered limited services and was cashing government paychecks Thursday morning.

75.   Television channels have been broadcasting nationalist messages.

76.   The FBI said the Cuban intelligence service often communicates with clandestine agents outside Cuba by broadcasting encrypted messages at high frequencies which transmits a series of numbers.

77.   The message was broadcast Monday on state television and radio and also appeared in the daily government newspaper.

78.   The military government vowed Monday to track down and disband a pirate radio station that has been broadcasting anti-government messages.

79.   The panic subsided when police opened a hot line to answer public concerns and after national radio and television broadcast messages from officials.

80.   The panic subsided when police opened a hotline to answer public concerns and after national radio and television broadcast messages from officials.

v. + message >>共 765
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leave 3.94%
receive 3.32%
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convey 2.21%
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broadcast 1.19%
broadcast + n. >>共 593
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footage 3.08%
interview 3.05%
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