71.   Straight ahead, Inwood Hill itself juts into Spuyten Duyvil, which is spanned by the Henry Hudson Bridge, its steel gridwork painted bright red.

72.   The carpet is bright red.

73.   The color range is from bright red to worn old clay.

74.   The bright reds and purples we see in leaves come mostly in the fall.

75.   The bright reds of spring can become dark, almost black reds during summer, and then a brilliant red-orange in autumn.

76.   The Burmese hens are dark black or brown and entirely nondescript, but the roosters are bright red and brown and often carry long, arched tailfeathers.

77.   The dye mixture is bright red in its concentrated form.

78.   The EROS computer produces a map of the brain that flashes in bright reds and yellows on a computer screen when a portion of the brain is activated.

79.   The first room in the exhibition is painted bright red and has an impressive wooden table.

80.   The gentle, bespectacled man looked tiny sitting in a chair under a huge hanging of the Buddha in bright red, blue, green and gold.

a. + red >>共 297
bright 16.78%
deep 6.22%
dark 4.33%
painted 2.17%
brilliant 2.17%
cherry 1.49%
fiery 1.49%
hot 1.22%
glowing 1.22%
wine 1.22%
bright + n. >>共 1088
spot 11.23%
light 8.27%
side 5.29%
color 5.06%
future 4.50%
sunshine 2.89%
red 2.08%
eye 1.48%
sun 1.41%
idea 1.34%
每页显示:    共 123