71.   Israeli and the PLO resumed talks in Cairo on Monday to try to bridge differences over expanding Palestinian self-rule to the West Bank.

72.   It also comes amid renewed efforts by Sudan to bridge its differences with Egypt.

73.   John Paul has traveled to a number of predominantly Orthodox countries in recent years in an effort to bridge differences.

74.   Kordic said help from Bosnian Croat allies abroad was needed to bridge the differences.

75.   Officials from the two sides met again on Thursday to try to bridge differences.

76.   Officials from the two sides met again Thursday to try to bridge differences.

77.   President Ezer Weizman and some right-wing politicians called for bridging the differences at a time of crisis.

78.   Saleh tried to bridge differences with neighboring Egypt as well.

79.   She added that U.S. efforts had not crystallized yet into a workable plan that would bridge differences, and a quick-fix summit was not the answer either.

80.   That approach favors wealthier families who can bridge the difference between the amount of the voucher and the cost of a private school.

v. + difference >>共 574
make 29.32%
resolve 7.08%
settle 3.38%
have 3.31%
see 2.52%
notice 2.44%
know 2.43%
tell 1.92%
find 1.66%
narrow 1.62%
bridge 1.17%
bridge + n. >>共 91
gap 56.85%
difference 15.48%
divide 2.88%
chasm 2.19%
gulf 1.92%
division 1.23%
world 1.10%
culture 0.96%
disagreement 0.96%
transition 0.68%
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