71.   He believes use of the product may delay the need for more drastic -- and expensive -- measures to maintain body weight and nutrition.

72.   Hence, chimpanzees have evolved large testicles, in relation to their body weight, and can ejaculate high sperm counts many times a day.

73.   Henry stands as the lone member of the U.S. contingent that competed in Atlanta who never has lifted his own body weight in the snatch during international competition.

74.   His body weight dipped dangerously.

75.   How much does a mummy weigh compared to original body weight?

76.   I tried explaining that my hands hurt, that the strain of supporting my body weight with them seemed impossible.

77.   If healthy body weight is your goal, pay special attention to portion sizes.

78.   In this position, the quad of the balancing leg has to support the entire body weight for several seconds.

79.   Infants and children are more susceptible to lead poisoning and they drink much more water as a percentage of their body weight than adults.

80.   It depends on body weight and muscle mass.

n. + weight >>共 151
body 29.76%
birth 15.82%
market 6.12%
hand 3.23%
time 2.21%
pie 2.21%
stool 1.36%
water 1.36%
gain 1.19%
sash 1.19%
body + n. >>共 670
part 22.79%
temperature 4.45%
weight 4.07%
fat 3.70%
armor 2.47%
heat 1.79%
type 1.75%
guard 1.65%
tissue 1.49%
movement 1.47%
每页显示:    共 174