71.   Almost no big city hotels are under construction, those analysts say, therefore rates and occupancy should grow for at least the next several years.

72.   America Online Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Atlanta-based EarthLink Inc. are rolling out broadband services in big cities across the country at a fast clip.

73.   Although plentiful in big cities, they especially proliferate in places like Kokomo, wwwhere lenders grant loans to workers against their next paychecks.

74.   Among big cities, Dallas had the least smarts.

75.   Amy Dominguez-Arms, policy director for Children Now, an advocacy organization in Oakland, said the results should serve as an incentive to these big cities.

76.   An Amish girl named Hannah leaves her humble hamlet for a trip to the big city.

77.   And because of fears about car theft and break-ins, auctions near big cities try to avoid publicity.

78.   Amtrak, with its new rail services, makes heading into the big city a delight, especially along the scenic Rhode Island-Connecticut coastal areas.

79.   And a secure high-tech emergency control center of some sort might be a good idea for a big city where terrible things can happen.

80.   And Amherst is still a remote area in terms of bright lights and big city.

a. + city >>共 756
major 7.66%
big 5.16%
southern 3.27%
northern 2.49%
large 2.04%
american 1.82%
palestinian 1.67%
largest 1.47%
the 1.37%
entire 1.31%
big + n. >>共 1140
company 2.24%
city 2.08%
play 2.02%
difference 1.40%
man 1.37%
part 1.27%
problem 1.26%
one 1.22%
question 1.16%
hit 1.03%
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