71.   The Republican-controlled Congress has fought Clinton on deploying US troops to the Balkan state.

72.   The speaker said the administration had failed to explain why the United States should risk the lives of young Americans in the war-torn Balkan state.

73.   The two key points which had yet to be resolved were the return of refugees and financial aid to rebuild the war-shattered Balkan state, he said.

74.   The scale and nature of the planned intervention -- a response to desperate appeals from the leaders of the crisis-hit Balkan state -- was left open.

75.   Zhelev is expected to explain his plans for greater economic cooperation which would involve relaxing border controls between Balkan states.

76.   Italy is the former colonial power and has borne the brunt of refugee floods whenever the Balkan state has been in political crisis.

77.   Last month the United Nations approved an Italian-led multinational force for Albania, which will protect humanitarian aid convoys to the strife-torn Balkan state.

78.   Meta resigned unexpectedly on Tuesday after a bitter clash with PS president Fatos Nano that split the ruling party, plunging the impoverished Balkan state into fresh instability.

79.   On Monday Delic issued a blunt warning to forces wanting to partition Bosnia, saying his troops would fight any move to carve up the Balkan state.

80.   Officials also said Ottawa was in direct contact with Bosnian Serb forces on the Canadian peacekeepers being held captive in the Balkan state.

a. + state >>共 655
jewish 5.46%
palestinian 5.02%
southern 3.87%
arab 3.21%
independent 3.20%
home 2.70%
western 2.29%
islamic 2.19%
northern 2.15%
future 1.60%
balkan 0.26%
balkan + n. >>共 294
country 15.63%
war 11.95%
nation 6.53%
leader 6.11%
conflict 6.02%
peace 4.81%
region 4.25%
state 4.25%
crisis 2.01%
republic 1.68%
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