71.   But both cede too much authority to the president.

72.   But it may also blend executive and legislative authority to a degree that is at odds with our history, our constitutional structure and our political culture.

73.   But many of the laws Congress has passed since were intended to convey such authority to future presidents.

74.   But it goofed by giving federal regulators the authority to jump into action to protect species at the request of local citizens.

75.   But that Dole is Senate majority leader gave added authority to his charge and propagated the false notion that liberal federal judges are somehow responsible for crime.

76.   But overwhelmingly, the Congress has readily relinquished authority to the White House.

77.   But the block-grant provision of the Congressional bills would shift such authority to the states.

78.   But President Ernesto Zedillo has agreed to cede that authority to Cardenas.

79.   But the earlier law creating the White House national drug control office limits its authority to combating controlled substances, thereby excluding alcohol.

80.   But the executives said transferring licensing authority to the State Department would hurt American companies.

n. + to >>共 1468
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close 0.79%
aid 0.74%
service 0.72%
damage 0.69%
tie 0.68%
flight 0.66%
authority 0.12%
authority + p. >>共 99
in 35.72%
of 14.26%
for 9.77%
over 8.27%
to 6.43%
as 2.96%
at 2.87%
from 2.66%
by 2.25%
about 2.00%
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