71.   He was an attending physician when Winchell was brought into the hospital, gasping his last breaths, his head shattered like an eggshell.

72.   Her attending physician said in a nationally televised news conference that all brain waves were flat Friday.

73.   It is unlikely Maier will be able to compete in the Salt Lake City Olympics, an attending physician told state television ORF.

74.   The clinic submitted bills to Medicare and Medicaid for physician services, although no attending physician actually provided the post-operative services, federal officials said.

75.   The lawyer said he was under the belief that Bohannon viewed the photos in his role as the attending physician, not a NASCAR medical expert.

76.   His attending physician, Dr. Kent Hamilton, said the cancer was caught in an early stage but that it was too risky to remove it.

77.   His brief stay at the hospital sparked speculations he was confined for signs of a stroke -- a report his attending physicians denied on Saturday.

78.   Attending physicians at the hospital where Lee was confined were not available for comment.

79.   Dole showed no evidence of recurring prostate cancer, said John Eisold, the attending physician of the US Congress.

80.   The medical group also urged that he be allowed to see a psychiatrist, as recommended by a attending physician at the University of Port Harcourt Specialist Hospital Centre.

a. + physician >>共 360
personal 7.47%
attending 7.20%
private 3.51%
local 3.24%
ringside 2.52%
chief 1.89%
prominent 1.71%
retired 1.53%
senior 1.44%
young 1.35%
attending + n. >>共 69
physician 39.02%
doctor 6.34%
school 4.88%
college 2.93%
class 2.93%
surgeon 2.93%
session 1.95%
meeting 1.46%
one 1.46%
party 1.46%
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