71.   Chewing gum containing the artificial sweetener xylitol helps to prevent ear infections in children, according to a fresh study conducted in Finland.

a. + sweetener >>共 48
artificial 53.38%
natural 2.26%
corporate 2.26%
new 2.26%
processed 2.26%
added 1.50%
additional 1.50%
financial 1.50%
common 1.50%
final 1.50%
artificial + n. >>共 593
turf 11.63%
heart 6.87%
limb 3.88%
leg 3.11%
sweetener 2.72%
surface 2.57%
light 2.34%
lake 2.23%
snow 2.11%
reef 1.46%
每页显示:    共 71