71.   In addition to the Middle East crisis, Bush is seeking support from Arab nations for the ongoing war against terrorism, and a potential military strike against Iraq.

72.   In a victory for moderate Arab leaders, the communique said Arab nations may cut ties with Israel, but the summit did not insist that they do so.

73.   In return, the Arab nations would commence normal relations with Israel.

74.   In the Middle East, Craxi supported Palestinian aspirations for a homeland, but he distinguished between moderate and extreme Arab nations.

75.   Intelligence experts believe the release of some unclassified information will make a more credible case for U.S. action against bin Laden, especially with Arab nations.

76.   Intelligence from the Palestinian Authority, Jordan or other Arab nations could complete the jigsaw.

77.   Iraq has urged other Arab nations to reduce oil shipments to the United States.

78.   Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed Saeed Al-Sahaf urged Arab nations not to cooperate with any U.S. military action against Iraq resulting from the confrontation over weapons inspections.

79.   Iraqi ire is also being directed at Arab nations.

80.   Israel later signed separate armistices with the Arab nations that left Jordan occupying the West Bank and Egypt occupying Gaza.

a. + nation >>共 477
the 5.53%
african 5.16%
developing 4.40%
european 4.33%
western 3.70%
asian 3.57%
arab 3.14%
industrialized 2.61%
caribbean 2.23%
southeast_asian 2.05%
arab + n. >>共 532
country 14.88%
world 10.19%
state 8.13%
leader 7.88%
nation 4.86%
summit 2.98%
government 2.22%
neighbor 1.85%
land 1.71%
neighborhood 1.57%
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