71.   Ahmad said finance companies reluctant to merge and weak would face appropriate actions including their operations being closed down.

72.   And if we catch him threatening his neighbors, we will take the appropriate action.

73.   Anwar only said the relevant authorities, including the SC and the Registry of Companies, would look into the matter and take appropriate action.

74.   And if we can identify the individual or individuals who leaked this information, we will take appropriate action.

75.   And if we catch him developing weapons of mass destruction, we will take the appropriate action.

76.   Bell said, however, that if an immigration violation comes out during the interview, law enforcement officials have to take appropriate action.

77.   Congress could consider taking further steps to ensure the Bush administration had all the necessary legislation at its disposal to take appropriate action.

78.   He hoped with the amendments to the enactment, the authorities would take appropriate action against the owners of premises and operators of illegal video arcades.

79.   He must be seen to value and be enthusiastic about that change.He must be seen taking appropriate actions to depict the urgency and seriousness of the change.

80.   He said he would not hesitate to refer such matters to the Umno management and disciplinary committee for appropriate action.

a. + action >>共 551
military 13.59%
legal 11.10%
disciplinary 4.60%
further 2.89%
immediate 1.63%
possible 1.51%
similar 1.51%
quick 1.15%
congressional 1.13%
unilateral 1.02%
appropriate 0.60%
appropriate + n. >>共 1190
time 3.41%
action 3.00%
response 2.28%
measure 2.19%
level 1.66%
place 1.44%
way 1.35%
punishment 1.15%
step 0.94%
agency 0.89%
每页显示:    共 124