71.   Most analysts say taxes must rise or benefits must fall, or both.

72.   Most important, the analysts say, is that the United States has become less dependent on one main source of foreign capital to finance its deficits.

73.   Namangani has not yet received widespread popular support in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, but some analysts say that was not the goal of his forays.

74.   No-frills is the fastest-growing sector of the airline industry in Europe, which, analysts say, could triple in the next five years.

75.   Not every company can become aggressive, analysts say.

76.   Now, analysts say, there are rumors Sara Lee could target Flowers Industries or the Dial Corp.

77.   Once that happens, and as the price of the screen technology comes down, these devices will be cheaper as well, analysts say.

78.   Of all the changes, letting Mexicans who are independent from the government and foreigners oversee the vote count may be the most significant, analysts say.

79.   Other companies could join the bidding today in what industry analysts say could be a billion dollar transaction.

80.   Other analysts say that might be far-fetched.

n. + say >>共 658
official 8.24%
expert 7.67%
analyst 6.71%
critic 3.76%
doctor 3.03%
police 2.61%
authority 1.61%
economist 1.50%
people 1.46%
observer 1.27%
analyst + n. >>共 175
say 18.29%
expectation 16.61%
estimate 10.14%
point 5.75%
forecast 4.28%
report 3.03%
fear 2.72%
investor 1.99%
doubt 1.57%
downgrade 1.46%
每页显示:    共 174